A cleanse of a different kind

Call me crazy, but I’m going on a cleanse. Not the lemon juice/maple syrup combo – a cleanse of a different kind.

I’m not going to buy any clothes for 3 months.

Crazy, right? My mom laughed when I told her.

I’m not buying anything for 1 month, and no accessories for 2 months.

I was first inspired to do this by the ladies at 365 Fashion Rehab, who aren’t shopping for an entire year. I thought it was an interesting idea but didn’t really see myself doing anything like that. Then I had a Twitter conversation that changed my perspective. Out into the ether I posted:

“in a moment of weakness i let my workaholism surface, and have now agreed to working 4-midnight 3 of 4 Fridays in Feb. whoops.”

Then @BrokeintheCity (of the blogs Fabulously Broke and Style on a String) responded, and we had the following exchange:

brokeinthecity: @FashionistaLab At least you will have $$ and no energy to go out shopping it all away 🙂
me: @brokeinthecity that’s what i was thinking too! now i’ll just have to make sure i don’t spend it all in March.
brokeinthecity: @FashionistaLab throw it into savings and never open your account again j/k
me: @brokeinthecity come to think of it, I should really seize this opportunity to develop a healthier relationship b/t saving and spending.
brokeinthecity: @FashionistaLab That’s the spirit!! I am all for that 🙂

And then I decided, I’m really going to do this. But for me it’s not just about spending money, it’s about not spending all my money on clothing, about finding a balance in my very lopsided shopping habits. Last month I blogged about my budget, and mentioned buying some magazine subscriptions and the game Taboo, among other things. But, as usual, once I started spending money I forgot about everything else but clothes. Every month this happens. Among the items that have fallen by the wayside are magazine subscriptions, dry measuring cups (for baking), a tambourine (I’ve wanted one for 2 years), a new duvet cover, a frame for a poster I bought in Spain, and even buying a domain for the Fashionista Lab. Pretty regular and unremarkable things, but all things I’ve been too distracted by clothes to buy. So my goal in not buying clothing for 3 months is to remind and force myself to be more well-rounded in my spending, and to remember that there are other things to buy besides clothing. It will also be a great way to save money. 2010 is the Year of Saving Money, after all.

To recap, this is happening in three phases. Here are the details:

  • Phase 1/February – no buying anything. Not even magazines.
  • Phase 2/March – no buying of clothing or accessories, everything else is fair game.
  • Phase 3/April – still on the clothing fast, everything else is fine.

These rules don’t include entertainment (drinks, movies, etc), services (haircut, etc), or renting clothing for a special occasion (ie, Rent the Runway). There are also 3 exceptions to these rules:

  • At any time I can buy an external hard drive to back up my files. I bought one, but didn’t like it and returned it a month later. This is something I should have.
  • At any time I can buy a domain for the Fashionista Lab, provided I’m organized enough to do it.
  • At no time can I buy skincare products. Moisturizers and exfoliators are a weakness of mine and I *do not* need any more. If I claim otherwise I’m lying.

This is going to be a tough few months but I’m ready for the challenge. Blogging will definitely help keep me honest! And thankfully I’m in good company. In addition to 365 Fashion Rehab, the bloggers @PrettyandPoor and @DenimDebutante are doing this too! You can keep up with their experiences at Pretty and Poor and the Fashionable Housewife, respectively. Wish me luck!

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4 responses to “A cleanse of a different kind”

  1. Jaime @ Denim Debutante Avatar

    Congrats (and thank you for the mention)! I’ll be here to support you when you need it. 🙂


  2. Emily @ Pretty and Poor Avatar

    Are we crazy or WHAT? You’ve got quite the intense breakdown but I know you can do it! I’m just amazed at everything I’m going to learn about myself and my shopping habits during this time. Thanks for the shout-out and remember, I’ll be here to swap stories and vent!


  3. 365fashionrehab Avatar

    Congrats on your three month cleanse (I am glad it is not a lemon maple syrup concoction, too). It really is so funny how we can let the important things (like securing your domain name) fall by the wayside when there are fabulous frocks out there to purchase. I didn’t even manage to buy myself a proper raincoat before starting 365 Fashion Rehab because I didn’t want to “spend the money” and used what ever cash I had I used to buy platform shoes. Now I am stuck putting a newspaper over my head and running really fast when it is raining so i don’t get wet, is that any way to live? Good luck on your journey!
    Love, A
    PS Glad you talked with Fab Broke- She is so wise. We LOVE her over here at FR.

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