Category: The Fashionista Laboratory

  • Betting on Fashion

    Yesterday I read a piece on Jezebel denouncing the use of the phrase “investment piece” as a marketing ploy to get women to justify buying luxury items in tough economic times. Usually I appreciate Jezebel for calling out ridiculous marketing tactics (such as Cover Lies), but this one was an easy shot that didn’t have…

  • A cleanse of a different kind

    Call me crazy, but I’m going on a cleanse. Not the lemon juice/maple syrup combo – a cleanse of a different kind. I’m not going to buy any clothes for 3 months. Crazy, right? My mom laughed when I told her. I’m not buying anything for 1 month, and no accessories for 2 months. I…

  • How the Bag Was Snagged

    Your eyes do not deceive. That is the 3.1 Phillip Lim doctor bag in blue, sitting in my apartment. * After finishing at Anthropologie I sat down in one of their fancy armchairs and called Jeremy’s. I hadn’t come up with a plan for how to acquire the bag. I figured I’d just confirm that…