Category: The Fashionista Laboratory

  • Outfit: Best. New Year’s Eve. Ever.

    Half the fun of going out is getting dressed for it. Sometimes I find that most of the fun of going out is getting dressed for it. Especially on New Year’s Eve. Is it just me, or is that night really hyped up?! Every year I feel like my plans aren’t exciting enough, and inevitably…

  • Shipping charges: still relevant or already outdated?

    I’m going through a sheer clothing phase. It’s my new favorite thing to update my wardrobe and make everything more interesting. The MinkPink tunic caught my eye early on, but I really became obsessed with the Cheap Monday top. I mentally went through my closet, discovering dress after dress that would be totally re-imagined when…

  • Happy Holidays!

    Dear Readers, A majorly belated Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas! I KNOW it has been a while since my last post. I got totally overwhelmed by the holidays! Between numerous holiday parties, Christmas shopping, keeping up with work and even being sick for a few days, I found it really hard to find time to…

  • Haute Holidays

    The holidays are upon us and it’s definitely one of the most exciting times of the year. For two reasons. 1: Christmas music. 2: My company holiday party – which is ALWAYS awesome. I look forward to our holiday parties as an opportunity to be creative AND fancy, which I never get to do in…