{Friday Favorites} Bold Colors & Bright Dresses

Micah Gianneli_Raww blog_Jesse Maricic photographer_Best Austral the sartorialist_on the street the strand London the SF style_hot pink pumps high heels blank white frames_golden atlantic pacific_ladylike

1. Micah’s fierceness knows no bounds. (Raww Blog)
2. I’m on an open-knit sweater kick right now. (Sartorialist)
3. This photo inspired me to buy these shoes (during the Saks Friends & Family sale!). I just wish they didn’t feel so tight. (the SF Style)
4. I have this dress! I love it, but sadly it’s too tight right now. (Blank White Frames)
5. I don’t have this dress… but I would like to. Looks like a perfect spring/summer transitional dress. (Atlantic Pacific)


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