Month: August 2012

  • {Photoshoot} Under the Night Sky

    {Photoshoot} Under the Night Sky

    Not a bad way to spend the weekend, eh? I was up in Sonora with my main squeeze, and one of our to-dos was a photo shoot under the night sky. We drove up and down the highway for an hour, almost out of gas, trying to find the perfect meadow – in the dark.…

  • {Weekend Successories} Your Personal Closing Ceremony

    {Weekend Successories} Your Personal Closing Ceremony

    1. Matthew Williamson, $105 2. Kate Spade, $348 3. Kate Spade, $78 The Olympics are coming to a close this weekend, and while we can’t all have a gold medal hanging around our necks (or silver or bronze), that doesn’t mean we can’t have anything! Stage your own dramatic closing ceremony by hanging one of…

  • {SF Fashion + Tech} Cool Hunting? Here’s Your Prey

    {SF Fashion + Tech} Cool Hunting? Here’s Your Prey

    Remember last week’s Threadflip review? Well now every Thursday I’ll be reviewing a different website for SF Fashion + Tech. This week I checked out the Fancy, which is a Pinterest rival but with stronger e-commerce. If you’re not on the Fancy yet (if you’re a latecomer like me) then you should definitely join, check…

  • {Life/Style} Dressing Down

    {Life/Style} Dressing Down

    I didn’t expect to post this outfit. It was something I really just threw together, but I received so many compliments I figured it might actually warrant a post. This illustrates one of my personal wardrobe philosophies: looking good isn’t all about wearing “nice” or “fancy” things, or being “dressed up” all the time. It’s…