{Photoshoot} Under the Night Sky

Not a bad way to spend the weekend, eh? I was up in Sonora with my main squeeze, and one of our to-dos was a photo shoot under the night sky. We drove up and down the highway for an hour, almost out of gas, trying to find the perfect meadow – in the dark. I changed into this beautiful dress off the side of the road, then traipsed through a field nettles growing two feet high to stand in the perfect spot. The shot itself is a feat of lighting prowess. He left the shutter open for 90 seconds, and used an external flash towards the beginning of the exposure. I tried out different poses and held them until I heard the click of the shutter. I’m sure there was more camera magic than that, but that’s my layman’s description.

We’d been planning this shoot for a while, but lucky for us there was a meteor shower going on at the same time. After we got a few of these photos I changed back into regular clothes and we put down some mats and a blanket to watch the meteor shower while the camera was set for a long exposure of the night sky. Meteor shower or not, everyone should experience midnight stargazing at least once in their lives.

You can view the rest of the photos on Flickr.

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