Fashion Feud, Round 1

Last Tuesday I went to Fashion Feud with Elisabeth of Mission Closet.

Produced by the San Francisco Fashion and Merchant’s Alliance (SFFAMA), Fashion Feud is much like a real-life Project Runway, where the contestants (Crystal Hermann and Mary Yanez in Round 1) have an hour to create piece that will then be judged (note: I’m judging in Round 2! Scroll to the bottom for details). And did I mention they have no idea what fabric they get until they start?! I’ve been to Fashion Feud before, but what people are able to create in just an hour never ceases to amaze me.

Ready, Set, Go!

(Mary Yanez)

(Crystal Hermann)

Making Progress

The Final Product (my camera died by this point so Elisabeth kindly provided the photos)

Crystal Hermann’s creation on the left; Mary Yanez’s on the right. Which one do you like better? Mary’s dress was ready for cocktail hour while Crystal’s tunic could easily be spotted in a street-style blog. In addition to the two judges, the crowd vote was compiled through a mobile app. Crystal won!

Fashion Feud Round 2 will take place at 7pm February 8th at the Rickshaw Stop. Come – because I will be judging!





6 responses to “Fashion Feud, Round 1”

  1. emily Avatar

    can’t wait to see this in action, and to see you as a judge. Loved these pieces! I’d buy Mary’s dress in a heartbeat (for everyday), but Crystal’s piece wins the more exciting/creative spot. are there ANY guidelines, other than 60 minutes? Who were the judges, and which piece did they choose as the winner (and why)?

    1. The Fashionista Lab Avatar
      The Fashionista Lab

      The only guideline that I know of is the 60 minutes, and only using the fabric provided. When the judges were introduced they said a few things they would be thinking about when judging (although I forgot what they said), but they didn’t say who voted for who; just who won. Oh, and the mobile app I mentioned is called “Fashism”. The judges were Maggie Alhadeff of the blog Mimosas In Bed and Stacey Lee of the blog Fashionablee.

  2. estrella Avatar

    Nice team work ladies!
    1 hour is cuckoo, and the size of those cutting tables are rough! Who picks the fabric and decides all of the details?
    I so wanted to go check this! I’ll definitely try to be there next month!;)

  3. […] The Fashionista Lab Thinking out loud about fashion and shopping Skip to content HomeAbout the Fashionista Lab, SFHow to contactSan Francisco Resources ← Fashion Feud, Round 1 […]

  4. Fabienne Jach Avatar

    This would be totally cool to attend, it sounds fun. Is it open to the public? I’d love more info.

    1. The Fashionista Lab Avatar
      The Fashionista Lab

      They’re open to the public and free to get in. You should come to the next one! Tuesday Feb 8th, Rickshaw Stop (San Francisco), 7pm.

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