$pend Mo-ney Mo-ney $pend Money Money Money!


I’m just excited because I *finally* did my budget so now I can buy stuff. I’m still on the shopping cleanse, but this month I’m allowed to buy non-clothing and accessories related things. But remembering that last month not making a budget impeded my success in saving, I wanted to be sure to make the budget before spending anything. So, for example, even though I had been craving some new music, instead of buying songs from iTunes as I normally do, I played them over and over on YouTube. That felt really cumbersome, so today I relented, and bought. And then I really had to do the budget. It’s not that I spent a lot of money on the music, but I would be kidding myself if I thought the spending would stop there. Although honestly, so many times I think – without clothing or accessories what is there left to buy? When I’m obsessing over clothes I forget that soon I’ll be craving a new book, more music, or the latest issue of my favorite magazine. And now people I know are getting married – and people keep graduating too – so there’s plane tickets, gifts, etc. But this is exactly the point of my cleanse – in addition to saving more money, I want to have more of it around for the non-clothing related purchases that inevitably spring up. And so that, if I say “no” to something, it’s because I don’t want to – not because I don’t have the money. And honestly, if I ever “don’t have the money” it’s probably because I spent it on clothes.

At this point in the evening I’m too tired to whip out my debit card, but here’s what’s in store:

A pretty planter. Because I love plants. (Anthropologie)

Having paisley sheets is my dream. Unclear if this set actually includes paisley sheets, or just the ombre ones. A very sweet friend gave me 20% off to Bloomie’s, so if they’re indeed paisley I’m so there. (Ralph Lauren/Bloomingdales)

Is this duvet cover not just a huge slab of sunshine?! I’m slightly annoyed because a couple of weeks ago it was marked down $20 but apparently that was a temporary sale, because the price is back up. No matter, I’m still there. (West Elm)

In hopes of saving money on shipping I’ll bit the brick and mortar Anthropologie and Bloomingdale’s this weekend. Anthro in particular could be dangerous since it’s one of my favorite stores, but I’m hoping that armed with purpose I’ll only have eyes for the planter. Bloomingdale’s isn’t a regular spot for me, BUT given that I’ll have 20% off AND I’ll be nearing the end of my “no accessories” month, it MIGHT happen that I buy a pair of shoes too. I’m prepared for that contingency to happen. Next weekend is April, so the last weekend in March is practically the end of March, right? Right.

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One response to “$pend Mo-ney Mo-ney $pend Money Money Money!”

  1. José Manuel Salgado Avatar
    José Manuel Salgado

    Thats lovely furniture, and great color patterns.

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