Tag: I Tried It

  • $pend Mo-ney Mo-ney $pend Money Money Money!

    Sike. I’m just excited because I *finally* did my budget so now I can buy stuff. I’m still on the shopping cleanse, but this month I’m allowed to buy non-clothing and accessories related things. But remembering that last month not making a budget impeded my success in saving, I wanted to be sure to make…

  • Liberty, Interrupted.

    The long awaited Liberty of London collaboration with Target finally became available in stores nationwide and online yesterday, and being as in love with prints as I am I obviously wanted my piece of the dream. This morning also happened to be the morning that my cell phone sprang forward while my clocks stayed behind…

  • Shopping Cleanse Update

    Per the terms of the shopping cleanse I announced last month, February was a no-shop month. Overall my goals are to save money and diversify the things I do choose to spend money on; ie, not blow all of my money on clothing. Given that I wasn’t buying anything in February I expected to save…

  • Fierce is spelled V-E-N-U-S-S-U-P-E-R-S-T-A-R

    A couple of weekends ago when I was out on my Mission Walkabout, I ended the afternoon at a wonderful boutique just a few doors down from my apartment, Bianca Starr. There’s always a welcoming vibe at that place, but even more so that day because the boutique was having a little party with a…