Tag: Anthropologie

  • Consuming happiness

    A number of years ago a friend gave me a retro magnet that said, “anyone who tells you money can’t buy happiness just doesn’t know where to shop!” I was reminded of that when I read this New York Times article about consumers becoming happier as they buy fewer things. The idea is that it’s…

  • The SF -> PA Challenge: Harlequin

    The day’s forecast: High in the low 60s. High in the mid 80s. The weatherman didn’t get confused. This is a typical day for me. You see, I live in San Francisco where there is a year-round spring, and I work in Palo Alto, where normal seasons occur. Thus, getting dressed for work in the…

  • Traveling light: plan ahead

    It can be stressful to have to decide in advance what to wear every single day of a trip, but it’s far better to do that in the comfort of your home than to find yourself dissatisfied with your choices and stressed out mid-trip. Earlier I presented step 1 and step 2 of my strategy…

  • Traveling light: a blank canvas

    When taking any trip, but especially a long one, it’s important to pack thoughtfully so that you don’t run out of things to wear or become completely dissatisfied with your wardrobe choices. Monday I presented step 1 of my threefold plan for successful packing. On with the show! 2. bring a blank canvas. Pack a…