Fashion with a spark of intellect.
Sometimes You Just Need a Hiatus
Ok, so I’ve been on a bit of hiatus. March was a really tough month for me. The shit really hit the fan in my personal life. I’ve been trying to be kind to myself – so I’ve been doing a lot of traveling to spend time with friends (the photo above is from a…
{Shopping List} Power Prints (in Pairs!)
As mentioned in a recent post, I’m going through a total purge phase. But that’s only half of it. Not only am I purging, I’m trying to really focus my wardrobe: what makes me happy, what do I look great in, and what is unique about my personal style? One definite answer that I’ve come…
{Rant} I’m Kicking Off My Heels!
If you follow me on Instagram (or have looked at my right sidebar lately), you may have noticed that I’ve been taking lots of pictures of my shoes. One day I wore a pair of boots that I thought had a fun story, so I wanted to put them on Instagram. The next day I…
{Life/Style} Kaleidoscope Flowers
Mixing prints is something you can always do on your own, but I love it even more when it all happens in one piece. Hope you had an excellent St. Paddy’s day. I’ve had a rough couple of weeks and can’t wait to head to a friend’s bachelorette party in D.C. this weekend (cherry blossom…
Got any book recommendations?