Category: The Fashionista Laboratory
A New Laboratory
I have a Tumblr! Head over there for quick news… Reviews… And on-the-go outfit shots. Visit my new Tumblr by clicking the link above, or going to I know I promised a huge ‘reveal’ on Monday, and it’s not here. The process of mucking about in the html was far more involved than I anticipated;…
Change is in the Air!
I interrupt Guerrilla Fashion Week coverage for this special announcement: Sometime between 8pm tonight and 8pm tomorrow night the good folks at WordPress are helping me transition my blog from to, a change that will finally enable my long-anticipated redesign. The site doesn’t have to go offline during the transfer, but I may…
A Lesson In Asymmetry
I love SSense for their healthy selection of sartorially stretching pieces, but sometimes I just have to roll my eyes. I appreciate when designers take risks, but it can be hard to figure out which risks are appropriate to try, and which ones are a lost cause. When it comes to asymmetrical clothes baring one shoulder…
I know I just got back from vacation… but tomorrow I’m off on a roadtrip! The past month has put me through the wringer, and this getaway could not be more perfectly timed. With the company of a college friend, over the next 10 days I’ll hit Death Valley, the Grand Canyon, Four Corners, Arches…