I’ve been on a purging binge since the day I got back to San Francisco and realized I had 3 weeks to move to New York. Every time I move (which has been 4 times in the last 9 months) I wonder why and how I have so much stuff. Especially in my closet. I spent 2 days purging, and 3 days trekking around San Francisco to make 8 different stops selling clothes and books (1 for books, 7 for clothes). And still there’s more!
One thing that’s different is my attitude. Previously, if things didn’t fit in my closet, I made a trip to the Container Store. If I was out of hangers, I bought more. I held onto clothes I wasn’t excited about because I used to like them. That all feels so ridiculous now. If there’s no room – not keeping it! If I have lukewarm feelings about a piece of clothing (there’s nothing that’s going to make me magically excited about it) – not keeping it! Whatever it is, these days I’m finding more reasons than not to – not keep it!
Now I just need to decide what to do with all of these clothes. I have a good closet going on at Threadflip. I’ll probably combine that with using Twice, and selling to Crossroads and/or Beacon’s Closet in Brooklyn. And of course, there’s a bunch of stuff I’ll probably just give away. Either way, this stuff is taking up valuable space in my apartment, so everything must go!
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