Month: June 2012

  • {Weekend Successories} Glamping?

    {Weekend Successories} Glamping?

    This weekend I can’t wait to go… camping! I manage to go hiking and kayaking a couple of times a year, but it’s been well over a decade since I’ve over-nighted outdoors. And now it seems the game has changed, since “glamping” (glamourous camping) has become a thing. But what does glamping mean anyway? To…

  • {What Emily Wore} Bachelorette Week 5

    {What Emily Wore} Bachelorette Week 5

    What a week on the Bachelorette! I had been wondering why the producers had been quiet with Kalon for a few episodes… turns out they were waiting to give him the ultimate jerk edit. I mean, he’s obviously a huge jerk without the help of the producers, but I’m guessing that they hoarded footage in…

  • {Life/Style} My Wedding Uniform

    {Life/Style} My Wedding Uniform

    One of these things is not like the other… 2004 2008 2010 2011 2012 Confession: I am a fashion blogger… and I wear the same dress to nearly every single wedding. It wasn’t intentional, at first. But then my friends kept getting married in the summer and I realized that if I had the perfect…

  • {What Emily Wore} Bachelorette Week 4

    {What Emily Wore} Bachelorette Week 4

    I just finished catching up on last week’s episode, and is it just me, or did things get way more interesting? Emily was almost ready to send sweet Doug home – until he asked her the same tough questions she was asking him; she went on the world’s MOST AWKWARD 2-on-1 date; and finally, at…