30 items. 30 outfits. 30 days.
Call me crazy, but this winter I decided to participate in the 30×30 closet remix challenge, started by blogger Kendi Everyday. As much as I love circulating through all the clothes in my closet, this will be a great way to force myself to get more creative with my outfits. In fact, I chose some difficult items on purpose (wildcards!). Without further ado, take a look at what I’ll be wearing for the next 30 days:
A few details:
- Tights, leggings, belts, scarves and other helpful accessories can be added at-will.
- A couple of the pieces require a tank top in order to not be obscene, but I’ll only wear them in black, brown or navy.
- Outerwear is not included.
- The challenge is over when 30 outfits have been posted.
- If an outfit isn’t posted it didn’t happen.
- I’m taking a 6 day “off the grid” break after the middle of February, so this will definitely take me more than 30 days.
P.S. – What have I gotten myself into???
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