Happy Holidays!

Dear Readers,

A majorly belated Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas!

I KNOW it has been a while since my last post. I got totally overwhelmed by the holidays! Between numerous holiday parties, Christmas shopping, keeping up with work and even being sick for a few days, I found it really hard to find time to blog (clearly). Add to that my ongoing problems getting any photos out of my cameras… BUT I got a new camera for Christmas! Woo hoo! And now that holiday craziness has pretty much subsided I’m very much looking forward to being back on the blog.

See you soon!

xoxo, me






2 responses to “Happy Holidays!”

  1. Katy Avatar

    Yay for a new camera! Can’t wait to see the pics you get to start posting again soon. – Katy

  2. adelle387 Avatar

    thanks for commenting! good to know that my readership hasn’t completely disappeared while I was on hiatus 🙂

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