A number of years ago a friend gave me a retro magnet that said, “anyone who tells you money can’t buy happiness just doesn’t know where to shop!” I was reminded of that when I read this New York Times article about consumers becoming happier as they buy fewer things. The idea is that it’s not just that consumers are buying less because of a bad economy, but they’re realizing that experiences are more valuable than things. And scientifically, the (positive) impact of an experience last far longer than the momentary happiness from a new purchase. With one exception: fashion!
“For a certain segment of the population, clothes are an art form, a means of self-expression… For them, studies concluding that people eventually stop deriving pleasure from material things don’t ring true.”
For people who appreciate fashion as art and use it as a way to express themselves, spending money on clothing can certainly contribute to happiness. Personally, fashion brings me joy and is an avenue for self-expression. One of the things I love about fashion is that it’s the ultimate convergence of form and function. What else is as beautiful, unique and versatile as it is useful?! Nothing. And you don’t have to spend big money to get big pleasure. My absolute favorite piece of jewelry – a ring that I wore every day for 6 years until I recently lost it – was bought for €12. Of course, I do have some pricier items that bring me joy as well. 😉
On that note, I recently discovered a sweater from Anthropologie that I think would make me very happy. I’m drawn to bright colors, and just looking at it brings a smile to my face.
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