{Life/Style} A Minor Obsession with J.Crew’s “Antiqued Floral” Print


I finally bought THE PANTS! After mentioning them here, here, and here. In the beginning it was a toss-up between the pants and the pumps, so I went with the pumps. Later I *almost* bought the pants, then saw the scarf and figured I’d get way more mileage out of it. Then, two things happened. I saw this, and the weather got cold. After that I decided that I needed pants – and these are the ones I would get!

The print is also available in a dress and shirt, but I’m done. I swear.

Sweater – Anthropologie // Pants – J.Crew (also in petite) // Pumps – J.Crew // Scarf – J.Crew // Necklace – J.Crew // Bracelets – Lele Sadoughi, Ted Baker

Photos by Lindsey Louie

PS: check out this amazing Instagram video I made with a friend. I’m kind of obsessed with it.





One response to “{Life/Style} A Minor Obsession with J.Crew’s “Antiqued Floral” Print”

  1. Caity @ Moi Contre La Vie Avatar

    Wow! Love that print, so fun & eye-catching!

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