{Gallery Girls #RealTalk} Tech-Savvy Guys and Negotiation 101

As you may have noticed around here, I like to watch tv. And talk about it. I wouldn’t call myself a couch potato, but I am highly susceptible to fashion competition shows, half of Bravo’s programming, and any show called the Bachelorette or Bachelor Pad. While nursing a hangover recently I stumbled across Bravo’s new show Gallery Girls, which I was ready to hate; but instead I loved it. Surprisingly, it felt real. It’s billed as a show about trying to break into the art world, but really it’s a show about post-college girls just trying to establish themselves, period. These are women my age who are starting businesses, trying to pay rent, juggle multiple jobs/projects, and who are really just trying to define themselves before others do. One of my favorite moments early on is when one of the girls (Kerri) is having a talk with her dad, and he asked her if she could pay her bills. Instead of offering her money, he was just like well, figure it out before you’re up against a wall. Real talk!

So, as long as I find myself enjoying this show I’ll provide a weekly recap of the Real Talk, and outfit pairings from a different store based on the shows uptown/downtown dichotomy. This week’s outfits are from Anthropologie. Real Talk after the ‘jump’.



“I don’t want to date a man who doesn’t have an iPhone or an email address that isn’t gmail.” – Angela
That’s real talk. And not as tech-elitest as it sounds. She’s saying she wants somebody who is plugged in and up-to-date, which isn’t unreasonable. Personally, I only have one friend who doesn’t have a smartphone and he lives at an ashram, soo… Plus, if you met somebody who was still on MySpace – or at least talked about it – wouldn’t that be weird? You might wonder what decade they were living in. And -omg- what if someone still had an AOL email address? That’s like living in another century. Granted, I live in the San Francisco/Silicon Valley area so I don’t expect every region to be this tech-saturated, but no matter where you live it’s totally legit to want someone who is tech savvy.

Chantal on Claudia’s public negotiation gaffe
Real Talk. Claudia should have negotiated the terms with the artist before they hung the art. And if this was her first time negotiating (it seemed to be), if she wasn’t sure how big of a cut a gallery should take she should have asked around of her artist and gallery friends. That’s rule #1 in starting your own business – if you’ve never done something before, get advice from somebody on how to do it. Even if you choose not to take their suggestion, you at least have some context for making your decision.

What do you think about Gallery Girls? Am I the only one who likes this show? Fire away, in the comments!

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